You have the power to impact the future of your family

Get the support you need

About Birth Forward

Birth Forward stands as an ambassador for parents wishing to make autonomous choices about their own and their families welfare throughout the full cycle of creating a family.

We aim to provide advocacy, support and education for families and professionals in regards to the various stages of planning, creating and growing a family in Cyprus.

Word Art 2

From healthy pregnancy to happy family


Conception to Birth

We can provide advice and support for all stages of your pregnancy and ensure that you have all the information you need to plan the labour you want.


New Family

First time parents or not, there’s always new challenges and we can inform you on everything from child development
to breastfeeding.


Connecting Communities

We aim to provide easy access to the best services and events in your area and give you the chance to connect with specialists and other parents at our open meetings.


Respect: Toward a culture of Respectful Maternity Care (RMC): Enhancing Provider-Client Shared Decision Making and Informed Choice in Cyprus and Croatia

Every birth is unique and every experience personal! But, every mother should want to tell and share her birth story with a smile!

With this project, we want to move closer to this vision by taking local action towards promoting a culture of RESPECT in maternity-child health care services according to the principles of the WHO’s framework and White Ribbon Alliance’s Charter of Rights for Respectful Maternity Care (RMC).

Funded by  CERV-2022-DAPHNE-101096681

Read more here 

Coming Soon

RespectWATCH: Developing an Advocacy Strategy and WatchDog Mechanisms to ensure Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) in Cyprus

This project addresses the need for systematic monitoring and watchdog procedures for maternity care violations. The overall objective of the project is to establish a sustainable National Advocacy and Watchdog mechanism that will enable BF and its allies to monitor to what extent perinatal care is delivered with respect, involving the woman-client as an active agent in the process. This will be achieved through: establishing tools, systems, and procedures, to systematically record, code, analyze as to identify patterns and gaps, and advocate for redressing those gaps through reporting and recommendations to stakeholders.


Read more here 


Baby Buddy Forward

Educational resource for each day from early pregnancy up to the six months of the baby's life.

A project funded by Erasmus+


Baby Buddy Communicators: A socially interactive crosssectoral communication skills-building training for competent antenatal educators who "make every contact count”.

This project will design a socially interactive digital environment where practicing and intraining health professionals can receive training to enhance their skills and competencies needed to deliver respectful consultations. 

A project funded by Erasmus+


Cesarean Awareness

Promoting Natural Birth, Gentle Caesarean and Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC).

Mentoring program


A peer mentoring program for young parents and parents to be connecting them with experienced and reflected parents all over the island.